Tuesday, February 10, 2009

You've got to be kidding me...

Saturday we went to Lo's birthday party to celebrate her turning the big 3!! wahoo...yippeee.... and since she's a little obsessed with Tinkerbell we celebrated with a little Tinkerbell action too... while dining on our scrumptious cake Mac took note of how fabulous Tinkerbell looked on her plate...She said, "Look mom...look at Tinkerbell"..."yes, honey I know...she's beautiful"..."no, look mom...look at her boobies"

What the heck??? really??? You've got to be kidding me.... Obviously, Tinkerbell was wearing a risque' outfit and it couldn't possibly be my daughter blurting out inappropriate comments.... Oh, the fun GE and I are going to have once she starts school...

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1 comment:

Rachelle said...

LOL! Oh boy, the joys to come... :P