Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sfoon....and other funny words

I really want to think that GE and I speak proper English...or at least proper Okie....sometimes the two don't mesh...but hey, we try....While listening to our children we usually laugh hysterically at the many, many words and phrases that get caught up in their little mouths. I'm also surprised daily that Mad and Mac have different troubles with different letters. You'd think that GE and I spoke to them in code or something...

Here are a few of our favorites:


  • Sfoon - Spoon
  • Sfecial - Special
  • "Sure Mom"
  • "Back in a flash"
  • Usually "mom" & "dad" have at least 3 syllables when he's saying it
  • Thithy - Sissy
  • "That's Interesting"
  • Flim-Flam-Flam - Karate kick
  • "That's Dangerous"
  • "Mom, I pooped and I'm not ready to change it" (he could walk around ALL day...any ideas on potty training???)


  • Yittle - Little
  • Yight - Light
  • Lellow - Yellow (Hello, what's up with the mixing of L & Y)
  • Gogogo Creme Pie - Oatmeal Creme Pie
  • "I don't want to hear another thing come out of your mouth" (I wonder where she heard this?)
  • "Sure"
  • "Mommy, you messed up my jungle"(I flushed her poop...go figure?? Poop figurines?)
I can only imagine this getting funnier and funnier...GE and I are scared to think of the wonderous things that will emerge from their little mouths.
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1 comment:

Rachelle said...

HAHA! That's hilarious!