They pretty much looked like the little kid from "The Christmas Story" but they actually stayed for about 10 minutes and tried to lie down in the ice for some ice angels...didn't work out so well but you can't blame a kid for trying...

All of this is in prelude to us going skiing next month...or at least taking them to a place where there is actually snow and the possibility of skiing...Poor Mad doesn't get the whole potty training thing yet so I don't know how much skiing he'll actually get to do with a frozen diaper stuck to his bum....Mac is a little (ok a LOT) like me and has told GE several times that she'd rather be going to the beach but also like me has conceded to going to a frozen place for a vacation...I'm secretly hoping they both ask for a beach vacation next time...for me, the only saving grace for this frozen vacation is the fact that we're spending time with some of our most favorite people, lots of hot chocolate and hopefully some good shopping time...
Well, at least I know that the gear I got the twins will work just fine for our ski trip...they both came in the house today sweating....yea for ski bibs!!