Chilly Time in the bouncy....
We had a little static going on in the bounce house!
Lundyn, Mac, Sydney, Mad & Jack
Aunt Toni, Mac, Izy & Aunt Courtney
Mia, Laurin, & Kaitlyn
Aunt Toni & Silly Mac

Izy, Sam, Mac, Mia, Kaitlyn & Mad
Silly Monkeys before the party!
We celebrated Mad & Mac's 3rd birthday party on Saturday, October 25th and had just an amazing time. I don't know if it's because the kids are getting older but this party just seemed to be a constant controlled, happy, energetic fun party. Mac asked me several times leading up until the "time" of the party if the party had started yet. Once 1 o'clock finally arrived she shouted out a big "woohoo" even though most of her cousins and friends were already there living it up. It was just that I said it was "time" that she knew she could begin partying like crazy. I think she also knew that it was getting closer to cake time...which she'd been eye-balling that cake for several hours. We really did have just the best time. I'm always amazed at how polite my children can be even when not prompted by me or GE. I guess that's the beginning of my "payoff" for my job as a stay at home mommy...those are the things that my "raises" are measured upon and I'm glad to see that I'll be getting a bonus...Mad's questions about the party began after. He asked Grammy if the party was over and when she replied "yes" he immediately said that he wanted to have another one. I told him that he's so lucky because next year he gets to have ANOTHER party...He let out a big "woohoo" and was happy as a lark the rest of the evening. I'm so glad he doesn't have a sense of time yet...I'm sure that's going to bite me in the butt soon enough.
Although the past 6 months have been some of the most trying 6 months of our lives together I really think we've hit a turning point. I've enjoyed the twins more over the past 3 weeks than I have in a really long while. Maybe they've figured out that I don't really tell them "no" to make their lives miserable or it could be that some of the things I say no to aren't really that important so I'm giving them a little slack. Any way you look at it...we're all a little happier around here...and GE always says that if I'm not happy, it's really hard for the rest of the family to be happy...So, here's to me being happy about the changes going on in their wonderful lives and celebrating the TACKY THREE's!!!
I can't believe they are three!! Wow, time flies. Congrats on having polite kids, and yes, I'm sure it's payoff for you staying home. :D Thanks for the update!
Oh, what a fun day that looks to have been...we are so sorry to have missed the party. And friend, I know you have worked hard for that "bonus", a direct reflection of dedicated and loving parenting. Here's to you!
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