I never thought in a million years I would enjoy taking as many silly pictures of my three favorite people. I guess with the weather getting chilly outside, my "animals" have gotten a little warm and wild inside. Mad was about ready to bet his most favorite car today that it was snowing. So, since the yucky weather kept us inside we had a little fun of our own.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Because you all know I love a good card!!
Hey...here's a link to one of the blogs that I really enjoy reading. Mad, Mac and I are going to make a few cards and send out!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Call of the Wild...
I knew that I loved my children more than life itself and all the Tex-Mex in Texas but I just didn't realize how deep that love went until yesterday. We all got up and had our usual Saturday morning pancake breakfast and GE suggests we all go somewhere together as a family.. "What?" I say... I thought Saturday mornings are for you guys to bond... But, no, he thought it would be a great "event" for all of us to head out... So, we did....
As we're heading north I am racking my brain trying to figure out where he's taking us... We then get off the highway and the next thing I know I'm staring the Bass Pro Shop in the face.. I held back my screams as to not scare the children but believe me, I was cussing on the inside.. I'm a girly girl...No place like Bass Pro Shop has EVER appealed to me... I don't want to go there.. Kicking and screaming, I mean with a happy face, I go in with the family and I have to say that it was a GREAT experience for us.... Not that I'll ever go back without a big nudge.. but we truly had a great time.... The kids were absolutely thrilled with everything that the Bass Pro Shop had to offer... They have everything you ever wanted for doing yucky outdoor campy things...Santa was even there picking out a new rifle... just kidding...he was taking great (free!) pics with all the kids and camouflaged adults. What made the whole day complete was that we were all together and I know exactly where to go if I ever decide to get out of the comforts of a hotel when camping!!

Friday, November 14, 2008
Something has changed...and not just the weather!
I don't know what it is...I don't know how to explain it...but things around here have just changed. My kids have become two of the most enjoyable people I know. I've prepared to take on the "threes" with gusto. I've geared up to say absolutely "no" to every ridiculous request. I've even gone so far as to look up reputable therapists and have them on speed dial so when I'm nearing the edge I can just press one single button. BUT...everything has changed. Mad and Mac are so funny...so enchanting....and even down right rational most times.... I'm loving the three's (ok..don't quote me on that...I'm only two weeks in)
I can't believe I'm saying that two 3-year olds are rational....Especially since my morning began with my daughter saying to me "Mommy please don't put a pony in your hair today!" with as much passion in her voice as any actor has while accepting an Oscar (It truly was an award winning moment). I must have had a great day today...which I did....I enjoyed my job thoroughly today and got to come home and play with Mad and Mac. GE and I laugh out loud every single day at something that's said by one of them either to us or to each other. Their "adult" conversations are hilarious. It really makes me know that they are truly listening to what is being said to them and to anyone else in the vicinity.
I'm enjoying every minute of it....
ps...we're 6 days into the no paci land and I think we've kicked our habit!! Wahoo!!
I can't believe I'm saying that two 3-year olds are rational....Especially since my morning began with my daughter saying to me "Mommy please don't put a pony in your hair today!" with as much passion in her voice as any actor has while accepting an Oscar (It truly was an award winning moment). I must have had a great day today...which I did....I enjoyed my job thoroughly today and got to come home and play with Mad and Mac. GE and I laugh out loud every single day at something that's said by one of them either to us or to each other. Their "adult" conversations are hilarious. It really makes me know that they are truly listening to what is being said to them and to anyone else in the vicinity.
I'm enjoying every minute of it....
ps...we're 6 days into the no paci land and I think we've kicked our habit!! Wahoo!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
We Like to Move It, Move It!!
Getting ready for our 1st movie!!
Still loving it!!
Yummy popcorn!
A little too loud...
Today we ventured out into the wild side known as Madagascar 2...We LOVED our escape. The most thrilling part was that I didn't have to pay $7.00 each for Mad & Mac to get in!! Wahoo... I told the lady that they had just turned three 2 weeks ago and she was more than happy to send us in with only one ticket, two happy kids and a thrilled momma.. Well, thrilled until I hit the concession stand and I had to run over to the kidney donor place to donate a kidney really quick so I could pay for our wonderful concessions....
But, I have to say that we have a winner!!! We had an absolutely fantastic time. The kids really enjoyed the movie. About an hour in, Mac asked if it was time to go and that was the only complaining or even request to get out of their seats... Mac did mention that she'll probably have to bring her mowing "earphones" the next time to muffle the noise a little. I'm feeling pretty lucky right now. Might need to head on over to the casino and double down on something.
I think we've found something that all of us, excluding GE, really enjoy doing. Can't wait for the next "G" movie to come out!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Today was all about getting our grill cleaned up and shiny. I couldn't have asked for Mad and Mac to do any better. They were such "bigs" as they were having everything done!!! My heart is breaking already because I see them headed out the door to college....
Of course, Mac had to be brave first because brother "pushed" her into the seat. There was no way he was going until he made sure that it was OK....She did really well and we got told the inevitable...She has an "open bite"....duh...that's a no brainer considering we just gave up her paci about 2 whole days ago!!! I know...I hear the groans from here...We should have done away with that thing many months possibly years ago but GE and I thought that our sleep was much more important than her oral health....but now we're committed...she's committed...well not really but we're trying to keep her spirits up as she takes this next step into "big girldom".....she's not going so willingly...
So, since Mac didn't absolutely scream, cry or really have anything horrible to say about the whole experience Mad put his brave face on and hopped up into the chair...He also did REALLY well...I can already tell that he's going to have to have a little "funny gas" later on in life like his daddy just to get through his dentist appts but for today he was great. He squirmed a little during the brushing time...
They both did really well and I guess we'll start talking the next visit up!! I think as long as they get new toothbrushes every time it may work!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Truths and Songs about Texas
GE, Pat Green & ME!! Wahoo!!

For a weekend that had promises of complete disaster and somber moods, GE and I managed to have a great one. Although we began the weekend attending a very sad funeral we pressed on to hopefully find some comfort in each other and our own little family.
Mad & Mac got to spend the weekend with Grammy and Grandpa and, whew, what a great time they had playing until complete exhaustion. I think they traveled all over Tulsa during the course of the weekend and visited with anyone who'd take the time to acknowledge them. Friday night, I called Grammy to ask how things were going and she immediately told me that I was in "trouble". I thought that I'd forgotten a favorite bedtime item for the kids but then she told me that while out to dinner that night, out of the blue Mac let everyone know that "Mommy was driving too fast and got a ticket!".....So for anyone concerned..I've learned my lesson...I'm driving slower as to avoid tickets and now I know I will forever be bound by the truths known as Mad & Mac. Nothing like two little lie detector tests riding with me for eternity!
GE treated me to a little bit of Texas over the weekend. He knows how much my heart fills with love with just the mere mention of Texas so we went to see one of our favorite Texas musicians in Fayetteville, AR... The concert was great and the after party with Pat was even better.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Hair Cut Day!!
Well, a person really couldn't tell from the pic that he was super excited about his haircut...Imagine that?? A 3 year old not cooperating for his mommy trying to take a cute pic!
Mac was thinking of getting her long locks all chopped off but that would have taken about 30 seconds of our busy day so we decided to eat suckers instead...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Mad & Mac's 3rd Birthday Party
Chilly Time in the bouncy....
We had a little static going on in the bounce house!
Lundyn, Mac, Sydney, Mad & Jack
Aunt Toni, Mac, Izy & Aunt Courtney
Mia, Laurin, & Kaitlyn
Aunt Toni & Silly Mac

Izy, Sam, Mac, Mia, Kaitlyn & Mad
Silly Monkeys before the party!
We celebrated Mad & Mac's 3rd birthday party on Saturday, October 25th and had just an amazing time. I don't know if it's because the kids are getting older but this party just seemed to be a constant controlled, happy, energetic fun party. Mac asked me several times leading up until the "time" of the party if the party had started yet. Once 1 o'clock finally arrived she shouted out a big "woohoo" even though most of her cousins and friends were already there living it up. It was just that I said it was "time" that she knew she could begin partying like crazy. I think she also knew that it was getting closer to cake time...which she'd been eye-balling that cake for several hours. We really did have just the best time. I'm always amazed at how polite my children can be even when not prompted by me or GE. I guess that's the beginning of my "payoff" for my job as a stay at home mommy...those are the things that my "raises" are measured upon and I'm glad to see that I'll be getting a bonus...Mad's questions about the party began after. He asked Grammy if the party was over and when she replied "yes" he immediately said that he wanted to have another one. I told him that he's so lucky because next year he gets to have ANOTHER party...He let out a big "woohoo" and was happy as a lark the rest of the evening. I'm so glad he doesn't have a sense of time yet...I'm sure that's going to bite me in the butt soon enough.
Although the past 6 months have been some of the most trying 6 months of our lives together I really think we've hit a turning point. I've enjoyed the twins more over the past 3 weeks than I have in a really long while. Maybe they've figured out that I don't really tell them "no" to make their lives miserable or it could be that some of the things I say no to aren't really that important so I'm giving them a little slack. Any way you look at it...we're all a little happier around here...and GE always says that if I'm not happy, it's really hard for the rest of the family to be happy...So, here's to me being happy about the changes going on in their wonderful lives and celebrating the TACKY THREE's!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
OK...I've done it....
I've been looking at my new blog design and thinking how fabulous it is and have been stumped on what to say. I don't want to "mess it up" with ramblings but then I realized...it's ALL about ramblings...maybe some days they'll be thought out better but for now....I've done it!! I've made my first blog!
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