We have ENJOYED the pool at the country club already so much this year, and it's only been open since Memorial Day...wahoo...way to get our money's worth out of that stupid fee we have to pay....and NO! I'm not bitter about GE playing golf ALL the time or anything..... Our first day at the pool we coasted on in because we know this routine....whipped out our new floaties for the season...super cute pink floral ones for Mac and adorable sharkie ones for Mad...only to have the lifeguard come over and say, "We have new insurance this year and you are not allowed to use inflatable floaties at the pool." ARE YOU KIDDING ME LADY???? If only I had brought my camera to take a picture of my kid's faces...It would have resembled something like this....
So, GE and I begged her to please let us swim this one single time with floaties if we promise to bring a life jacket the next time...I really think that if you instill a new rule and don't inform everyone of the new rule that they should really have enough life jackets on hand to accommodate everyone swimming... You know??? I'm just saying...If anyone knows GE, then you know he was able to negotiate a little deal and the kids got to swim... I don't know that they really enjoyed it as much as GE had to negotiate considering they were a pale shade of blue when they got out because the water was freezing!!! Now, this is us....and all of our swimming glory.... By the way...why can't the people at the sporting goods store put the life jackets that the parents want away from the ones with all the Disney characters on them??? Nothing like prying a Cinderella life jacket out of the grip of a screaming 3 year old...

We're fish...we're guppies...we're sharks!!

We can swim really well in our new life jackets..

So well that we forget that we actually can't breathe under water...
Not so good...

but man, we look GOOOOOOD.....
And in other news....Mac tried really, really, really hard to go after a ball this past weekend while playing T-ball....Wahoo...she was actually paying attention and not constantly asking me when snack time was coming around...Just look at her stealth moves...

and she didn't even knock this kid on his rear..

Happy dance afterward to celebrate getting the ball..

Constantly looking to get the next ball..

Mac making a run for the snack box & GE coaxing her back in..
I think I see a fantastic summer in our future!!