Mad and Mac had a wonderful Christmas despite a few little set backs. We had asked Santa (practically begged) for bunk beds for Christmas and since Santa is so well prepared and diligent he had them ordered and ready to be delivered on December 15th. Well, the helper elves at Mathis Brothers decided that on THE delivery date they would actually take out the furniture to take a peak at it to make sure there were no flaws or defect. Should have known then that things were headed downhill...The helper elves called and informed me that the chest was damaged and they would happily sticky tape it together and deliver it to me and then bring the undamaged one at a later date. NO WAY, NO HOW...It's been a little bit of a Nightmare Before Christmas dealing with them anyway so I was VERY afraid that once I took delivery of anything that we'd be stuck with it for all of eternity...and anyone who knows GE knows that ALL furniture should last an need to replace I'm not taking my chances and decided to take the next delivery of the furniture from overseas...IN FEBRUARY!!! Not so Christmasy then...but we're doing it anyway...and no, they were not so impressed with my picture of a bunk bed that I wrapped and put under the tree for them....So, now my pre-planning has gotten blown to smoke and I'm having to schlep around with all the other idiot shoppers a week before Christmas and find something to "help" Santa out and deliver it to my children.... my head...the perfect thing....Hummer thingy from Bass Pro Shop for Mad and this fabulous Disney Princess cash register for Mac...(You have to start those girls out early in the training of how to properly slide a credit card through the machine)...GE and I took great care in lying everything out for them the next morning...took the requisite bite of cookie, poured out the warm milk and packed the stockings full....
No, she's not forcing a smile...for real

Yummy Santa Christmas Cookie

Taking his time ripping off the paper
Christmas morning dawned and the kids were so excited...for a split second...then they were both pretty peeved that Santa didn't leave them a sip of milk and he left most of his cookie!! How RUDE!! Are you kidding me?? They noticed?? I guess I should be happy that they find it polite to finish off their plate at someone's home as to not hurt their feelings..but I think they missed the point... Mad ran straight to his Hummer and immediately wanted it open while saying "vroom, vroom" and Mac ran to her shiny cash register and said, "It's just what I picked out....from Target!!!" Oh, that child....maybe she does spend a wee bit too much time at Target..can't say that I blame her...
She's saying the "R" in Target right now